Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Unfortunately getting injured is something that happens to just about everyone. It is how you deal with it that separates the winners from the losers. Do you turn this negative into a positive? Or do you add two negatives together and hope for a positive? We all know the saying “Winners never quit”, and this saying is certainly true for those who happened to get injured. Though being injured certainly is unfortunate and trying, especially for an athlete, it can offer unique insights in how your body works. It can also provide great data during re-habilitation on how certain exercises affect areas you may not have previously considered. Ask yourself with an open mind is this a negative or positive? Ask yourself if your training can be modified to strengthen any weaknesses. Take a step back, examine your training, examine your posture, examine your methods of recovery and see if anything can be improved.

1 comment:

Einherjar said...

Injuries are definitely a time for review and revision of the exercises I have been doing when something went wrong. My greatest mistake with injuries has always been a lack of patience.

You have to fill up the spaces in the jar with the big rocks, then the small rocks, then the pebbles, sand and finally water. An old metaphor, I know, but I try to keep it in mind whenever I am facing towards rehabilitation road.

Knock back a cold one and know that I have full faith in your ability to recover and be stronger than ever my friend.