Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"A Beginning"

Many things roll around in this big head of mine, but seldom do any make it to print. Why?
Lack of Confidence? Nah.
Aging Brain? Nah.
Busy schedule? Warm.
Purging of old ideas for new? Warmer.
Just plain lazy? Ooh, red hot. Yeah, that is probably the best answer I can give.

So what do Renegade Training followers do about laziness and weakness? We attack and destroy such negativity. We turn weakness into strength. This pertains to the mind as well as the body.
The JJCREWGUY blog will be my attack upon laziness of the brain, my brain to be exact. I won’t guarantee a daily entry, but will do my best to make a couple entries a week. Who knows were this blog will take us. All great stories have a beginning. Since my beginning has long been set in motion this, as Robert Jordan would have said, is “A beginning.”

No worries we’ll piece the other beginning as we roll, as well as my trips to “The Farm”, “The Market”, the latest characters at the gym, my adventures in Pro Wrestling past and present, my current book project, surfing expeditions, skating mishaps, as well as promoting my personal training business (hey I got to eat too.)
Buckle up for a wild ride.

Thought of the day Grasshopper.
“In the Natural Law some lose and in this way profit.” Tao Te Ching #42