Thursday, September 10, 2009

Osborne vs JJ Saturday night!

Ah Grasshopper, Big Match this weekend. You do not want to miss this one. I will unleash all my Renegade skills on my longtime adversary Glenn “The Beast” Osborne.
He will be lucky to wrestle ever again after I am done with him! And for all you front row Special Olympians watchout! You do not want to go face to face with me this time around! I am not in a good mood!

Write up by: Josh Martin
J. J. the Crew Guy vows to embarrass Osbourne in front of Special Olympics!
You heard right fans! J.J. The Crew Guy and his wily manager, mastermind, Sebastian Night have promised to make a fool out of Glen Osbourne in front of his Special Olympics fans! Insults towards The Beast and his fans have been flying out of the mouths of the Crew Guy and his manager, so September 12 will be a time to put up or shut up. No doubt the Special Olympics fans in the crowd will have a few choice words for the Crew Guy as well, as it is no secret that Glen Osbourne is one of their favorites.
J.J. The Crew Guy is egotistical and very antagonistic! Sometimes it takes him 10 minutes to enter the ring as he stops and argues profusely with the ringsiders, especially with the kids from the Special Olympics. Why he picks on them, no one knows, but he has had some verbal wars with them, and now he vows to make a fool out of one of the men they support the most! The Beast Glen Osbourne.
Osbourne a long time fan favorite has always had a tender spot in his heart for kids and has had a special bond with the Special Olympics over the years and this veteran star has told that on September 12 he will be fighting not only for himself, but he wants to represent all the kids in the crowd and more especially the Special Olympics fans!
Aside from who they like and don't like, and who likes them and don't like them, no one can deny that the meeting between these two powerful legends will be a must see event on September 12.

1 comment:

Einherjar said...

Crush him JJ!! Make him howl!!