I love the New Year as it instills fresh blood into the gym, albeit short term, but still some of what you see is quite entertaining. Yesterday I was treated to “The Impossible Sit-Up.” And for the record I did not fall for it, almost though. I did laugh my butt off.
Here is what you need to do:
Find your resident gym-guru, you know the guy who knows it all, and issue a challenge for the Impossible Sit-Up. Be sure to build up the mystique, tell him so and so could not do it, and neither could you. Tell him it is just plain impossible, the laws of physics and human equilibrium will not allow it and such….
When he is ripe for the picking, have him close his eyes while still standing and then tell him to spin clockwise ten times. Really build it up, tell him he needs to do it fast while you are counting. When he reaches ten, with his eyes still closed, have him drop to the ground and perform a sit up with his eyes still closed (very important). As he is getting into position, straddle his chest and position your butt so when he performs a perfect sit up it crashes right into your hind side. If he does not crash into the first time tell him he is not getting enough height on the sit-ups and is failing. He is sure to put in the extra effort.
Yeah, I know childish and immature, and I really do not know why I made a blog out of it except to remind everyone that while training should be intense and productive it should also be fun.
Make sure you can run faster than the sucker you just pulled the Tom-Foolery on.