Friday, February 27, 2009

Cane on a Pole? No DQ?

Big Match Next Saturday March 7
Here is the "Official" write up. I will post my comments next week.

By: Josh Martin
Sebastian Night’s Tag Team Champions, Leather N Lace (J.J. Crew Guy and Hot Shot Mike Reed) have had a lot of success over the past year, on their climb to the titles and since winning the coveted Tag Championship. No one can deny that success, but many do question the methods they employ to defeat their opponents. Perhaps it all catches up to them on Saturday, March 7 in a special rematch against the two popular challengers of Cha Cha Chance and Mega, who have been hot on their heels for months.
At our last event, the Champions good luck took a turn for the worse when they caught the eye of Commissioner Naegele who just happened to be sitting in the arena during the controversial ending. Mega was preparing to hit Mike Reed with a Splash in the corner wand when he went to do so, Reed pulled the ref in between them, causing Mega to splash the referee instead. Diabolical manager Sebastian saw the referee go down and took his cane and tossed it to J.J. Crew Guy to use it on Mega. However, Mega’s partner, Cha Cha Chance tackled Crew Guy and they tumbled to the outside of the ring. Mega then grabbed the dazed Mike Reed by the throat and choke slammed him. Mega covered Reed for the pin and a fresh referee, Mike Bennet ran in and counted three. The crowd went crazy. Bennett declared Mega and Cha Cha Chance the NEW Tag Team Champions and everyone was excited. But it was short lived.
The mastermind of injustice in the ECWA, known as Sebastian Night, protested to the original referee Mario Zuto about the finish of the match and Zuto had to agree. It was popular Mega who did indeed strike the original referee and Zuto after getting his wits about him, immediately disqualified Mega and Cha Cha, and gave the titles back to Leather N Lace due to a DISQUALIFICATION. Needless to say it as not a popular decision. The unhappiness of the crowd prompted Commissioner Neagele to enter the ring and because of Reed actually pulling the ref in the way of the charging Mega, Naegele stated the referee’s decision would stand, but he was ordering a rematch.
This time, since the dreaded cane plays so much into the matches of the Tag Champions, he decided to even the playing field in the rematch. This time the cane will be placed on a pole and the first team to gain control of can use it as a weapon in the match!
Will the Tag Team Champions own tool of past success be used against them?Can 400 lb. Mega and his bottom heavy partner Cha Cha climb the pole?Will the shifty mind of Sebastian Night enter new strategy in favor of the Champs?Will crowd favorites Mega & Cha Cha finally win their 1st gold in the ECWA?Or will the Tag Team Champions pull another victory out of their crafty pockets???It all remains to be seen, so join us on March 7 to see what happens!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Business Lesson: "Don't judge a book by its cover."

In my last blog we learned that “Free has no value” when it comes to business. Let me be perfectly clear, this is from a business standpoint and not a friendship/family standpoint.
For some reason the growing consensus of people now days believe that they deserve a service and should not have to pay for it. I guess they think I have a money tree, my own dairy farm, and a produce stand in addition to an electrical plant all in my back yard. If you do not charge for your service, for whatever reason, then the customer does not value it as much as if they had to pay for it. Had I made “Joe” pay for his training session, then I could guarantee he would have been there Tuesday night ready to train.
This brings me to your next business lesson; do not judge a book by its cover. I know a little cliché but oh so true. This particular observation all started in my first business venture of owning a landscape business. I noticed that the customers who had money and by all rights could pay their monthly bill often defaulted. Whether right or wrong I choose to run my businesses on the honor system. I generally charge at the end of the month for services rendered, not pending. Not to stereo-type but nearly all of these problem clients had really nice houses, your typical oversized suv, a nice car, and usually (I guess this one is relevent to the eyes of the beholder) the “trophy wife" and half the time a boat. In contrast those who had little money and were living off Social Security, or a passed love one’s pension always paid promptly and were very, very appreciative of my services. Unfortunately, the same pattern seems to be emerging in the training industry too and looks to force me into charging for services pending and not rendered, at least to one half of my potential clientele. It is a sad day when the honor system is bled of honor.

On a positive note, our trainee “Joe” did eventually show up, but did things go as we hoped? Was Joe appreciative? Doe’s Joe have heart? Is Joe going to make the team?
Stay tuned! Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Business Lesson: "Free has no Value."

A couple months back I had a young man approach me with questions about training. He wants to play varsity baseball after a several year layoff from the game. This is nothing new. I get approached all the time. We will call this one Joe. I have seen Joe in the gym often, he practically lives there. He is your typical gym rat stuck on a bodybuilding routine and a diet of protein shakes, chicken and stuff from the restaurant across the street in an effort to get “big” and “strong”. Very little, if any, of the work he does currently is going to translate to being competitive on the field (lots of machine/isolation movements combined with slow heavy poundage work with improper form.)
Joe appears too sincere and I tell him I can train him and this is my rate. Of course Joe balks and says he is broke, that he is only a student and can’t afford such a rate. Before you think me evil, I know for a fact his parents are well off and they more than just give him a small allowance for making his bed in the morning, but I play along and let him coerce me into training alongside instead of working up an individual training and nutritional program and all that jazz just for him.
“How bout Tuesday? You can workout with me, do what I do and figure it out from there.” Joe enthusiastically agrees but I still have that wait and see attitude. I have made similar offers to different people probably a 100+ times over, and it is usually ends the same every time. If he shows and up and has the right attitude and work ethic then I will of course do everything in my power to see he makes the team. I love mentoring young athletes, and I am quite good at it.
Well guess what, Tuesday’s Gone (how bout that Skynyrd reference?) and no Joe. Sure glad I did not wait before starting my workout. “Free has no Value!”

Before I became a Renegade Trainer, I owned and operated a Landscape business. During the five years of operation one lesson above all others seemed to keep recurring; “Free has no value.” Now that I have switched businesses one lesson above others seems to be recurring, now more than ever, “Free has no value.”
Never mind that I have been trained by the best.
Never mind that I have access to the knowledge base of the best.
Never mind that I have the backing of the WORLDS best trainers, Renegade Trainers.
If it is free, somehow it seems to be without value to the general public.
Perhaps I need to pose this riddle to Frank Gorshin?
I am sure Adam West could figure it out easily.
Aren’t the best things in life free?

More on Joe in my next blog, stay tuned.