Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Warning: Do not try this at Home!

Ice chills my neck.
Ice chills my knee.
Heat warms my back.
Fresh popped popcorn delights my mouth.
The television says channel 105.
The Dolby Surround Sound is cranked and my subwoofer is rocking the house.
The phone is not going to get answered and the world could be aflame, but I really don’t care. I am exactly where I want to be in the universe on a Monday. In my basement.

Pop Quiz Hot Shot. What is on the tube?
Yep, you guessed it. Wrestling.
Yeah, you might have guessed Wrestling was on, but I can guarantee you can not guess where this blog is heading. Go ahead, try.
Times up Hot Shot, you failed.
One more chance, one more pop quiz.
Which of the following should carry a “WARNING” sticker?
Taco Bell or Skateboarding?

I have seen it a hundred times, perhaps two hundred. I am sure you have seen it too, you know that pesky Taco Bell commercial where everyone has big long strings of cheese coming out of their mouths. They play it continuously on the few shows I choose to watch (yeah, I know we'll talk about my viewing pleasures later). Well despite having seen this commercial a hundred plus times I just noticed something last night I never seen before. In the scene where there is an older guy (looks like a magistrate of some sort) sitting on stairs with a kid holding a skateboard, both eating tacos, a small warning flashes on the bottom of the screen. “Warning: Professional Skateboarders, do not attempt.” I am paraphrasing of coarse as the warning was only their for a blink and the commercial is definitely not tape worthy. At first I could not believe what I saw, but when the commercial was re-run it was their again. Blink, and it was gone. I really had trouble figuring out why the warning was there. In the back ground there were two kids riding skate boards, and one did perform a miniscule ollie in the brief one second blip, but come on. Is that really warning worthy? What kind of Nancy boys have we become? A warning for riding a skateboard on flat ground with full safety gear? Even the kid eating the taco had his safety gear on! Be for real folks!
What I want to know, Hot Shot, is why were their no other warnings?
Fast Food is bad for your heart.
Warning: Fast Food has not nutritional value, none, zero, zip, zilch.
Warning: Fast Food is bad for the body, mind and soul.
Warning: Probably contains one or more of the following: Estradiol, Progesterone,
Testosterone, Zeranol, Trenbolone acetate, Melengesterol. (ooh the guys at my gym are reading that line again.)
Warning: Contains multiple Antibiotics. (sorry kiddies won't prevent acne, or keep you from getting sick)
Warning: The following has been Irraditated.(Yes radiation, Homer.)
Warning: May cause Cancer.

I could go on, but you get the point. Oooh, let me re-phrase that. If your Renegade you get the point and the point of this blog.

Ah Grasshopper here is your advice for the day in case the above was too cryptic: Skinned flesh and broken bones heal easier than cancer, and tell a much better tale.
Eat good wholesome food. Eat grass fed beef, limit those grains, and eliminate that soda.
If you heed my advice you just may be able to stick that ollie a little higher than the rest and possibly keep up with me.

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