Tuesday, February 26, 2008

#1 Contender?

The date: Saturday March 1, 2008
The time: 7:00pm
The place: Boys and Girls club Rt.40 Bear Delaware
The Match: #1 Contenders 3-way tag match with the winners facing off in a 3-way tag match for the Championship in the same night.

Explanation: Well it looks like Murphy’s Law taking over. Here just a week after completing the Bruised Brain Blog, a tale of the complications of wrestling with a concussion and wrestling multiple matches in the same night, I find myself in a similar situation. Lets see if we can do it without a concussion this time.
Here are the details of the match according to Josh Martin, wrestling columnist: “March 1 is a history making night….and this bid for the Tag Team Championships brings no less than 14 of ECWA’s top competitors together in two 3 way No. 1 contenders tag team events that culminate in the 2 winning teams taking on the Logans in the title match. Matt & Bryan Logan are among the most talented and popular teams ever to hold the Tag Championships, but you can rest assured that this talented combination is sizing up all the possibilities of whom they could be facing for the titles. They will have not one team, but two teams to worry about…..and preparing is a nightmare for them….as the contenders will not be known until that same night. So, everyone, including Bryan and Matt will be watching the two 3 way No 1 contenders tag matches very closely.”

Told you it was a Marquee Matchup. Now you see how potentially important this match is? This also means the magazines and scouts will be watching these matches closely as Matt and Bryan Logan have a very good shot of heading to the big time as do the Valedictorians. But, make no doubt about it I am here to leave my mark. I have every intention of taking that gold which should have been mine years ago despite it only being my third match back. Look at those pretty boys, oh man they got some hurtin coming. Logan Brothers Hah, more like the Nancy Boys!

Tuesday Training Plan: Objective, Range of motion work, recovery, work threshold improvement.
12:00pm Lunch time.
Hurdle work, static holds, pink. As I said before I do this every lunch hour while the rest of the populace are heading to the China King on Tuesday.
7:45pm Recovery day with emphasis on range of motion. Tons of hurdle work, as well as a double block of tumbling drills. A little bit of shuttle sprint work with a few dive rolls thrown in the mix, sort of a hybred spp drill. Rope work, ladder drills, and of coarse 5 rounds of GPP followed by some rotational med ball work and Fix for shoulder stability. We cap it all off with some static holds, Pink, and I hate to put this into print........tanning. Yeah I said tanning go ahead and bash me on the boards. But, if you saw my last match on tape you would agree. Oh please, like you never tanned! I feel dorky enough standing up in a booth getting tan.

Tune-Age of the Day: “Play the funky music white boy!” Wild Cherry. Get it?

Ah Grasshopper remember always: “Coordinate your forces so that there is a minimum conflict and maximum effect. One uses four ounces to deflect four thousand pounds.” I Ching #61
Tomorrow I will introduce you to my opponents….as if it matters.

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