Monday, April 5, 2010

Buy American

Recently I have had a number of friends become victim of this troubling economy. While I feel bad for them, in truth I do not feel that bad. Now this may sound harsh, but I ask you, as I asked them; “What did you expect?”
Right now you are responding; “What do you mean?”
Every single of my recently unemployed friends bought and owns a foreign car. Now don’t get me wrong I am not Japan, Korea, or Germany bashing, I appreciate a good Tuner as much as anyone. I have worked on them, drove them, even owned one, but face it this tuner does nothing to help the economy.
Did you know to build the typical American car, as many companies are outsourced for parts to use in building one of the big three’s cars as are used to build the Space Shuttle. Think about it, chances are YOUR job whether it is in finance, delivery, or plastics is somehow dependent on the auto industry, the US auto market to be specific.
Next time you are at a stoplight look around. Chances are you are going to be surrounded by a bunch of Tools driving Honda’s, Toyota’s, or Hyundai’s. All of them look the same, so I know you are not buying them based on looks. It is not that these cars are better than the American counterparts, they are just perceived better. Hang out in a garage, or be-friend a few mechanics and you will see what I mean.
If you own a foreign car, and you get laid off don’t look to me for a shoulder to cry on. Ask yourself; what did you do to help the economy. Just think about that question when shopping for a new auto, or pulling into a Walmart parking lot.